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Introduction to BACnet From ASHRAE Learning Institute

  • 30 Apr 2025
  • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • GoToWebinar or WebEx platform (link sent to registered participants up to 4 days prior to the event)
  • 287


  • If you are a member of any of the below ASHRAE Region II chapters your chapter will provide a code for you to get a discounted rate for this online course:

    - ASHRAE Windsor
    - ASHRAE London
    - ASHRAE Hamilton
    - ASHRAE Ottawa Valley
    - ASHRAE Montreal
    - ASHRAE Chapitre de Quebec
    - ASHRAE Halifax
    - ASHRAE NB/PEI Chapter




ASHRAE Region II Presents

Professional Development Course:

By ASHRAE Learning Institute

(3 Professional Development Hours (PDHs))



Wednesday, April 30th, 2025 

11:00 AM to 2:00 PM EDT - Online ASHRAE Instructors-led Course

Course Summary

This course delves into the essential elements required to plan and implement BACnet® effectively, addressing complex issues to achieve seamless interoperability across a wide range of building systems beyond HVAC. Participants will explore the basic components of multi-vendor or multi-discipline BACnet® control systems, learn how different systems can be integrated using BACnet®, and understand how BACnet® facilitates the integration of legacy systems with BACnet®-based systems.


Grant Wichenko, P.Eng., Member ASHRAE

Grant Wichenko is a professional engineer with 30 years of experience in the controls business and is the president of Appin Associates.  He has been on the ASHRAE SSPC 135 BACnet® committee since 1996.  Wichenko is also a member of the Elevator Working Group and Chair of the Applications Profile Working Group.  He has been a member of SGPC 13 BAS Specification committee since 1996.

Wichenko has taught a number of courses and given numerous presentations on BACnet® and networked controls to address the needs of owners, facility managers, and the various trades involved in the installation and implementation of automated control systems.

Course Materials and Continuing Education Credits

This course will be presented through the GoToWebinar or WebEx platform. Course registrants will receive a confirmation e-mail with instructions on how to log in to the course and how to obtain the course materials. The course presentation will be made available prior to the course date. Attendees will receive the 3 hour online course, a copy of presentation and 30 days access to recorded version.

Electronic copies of the course evaluation form and Certificates of Attendance referencing Professional Development Hours (PDHs) will be made available to the course attendees.

Use of the materials is limited to the above course on the specified dates. Course materials may not be sold, shared or otherwise distributed independently of the above licensed course. Use of ASHRAE content may not be done in a way that will state or imply ASHRAE endorsement of any proprietary service or commercial product. This permission should not be construed that ASHRAE is waiving any copyright protection or other rights entitled to its intellectual property. 

Special Notice: Multi-Chapter Online Learning Event

This is a collaborative event across the network of ASHRAE chapters in our region (Including: Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, & PEI). As a result we are happy to announce that we will be offering the same pricing for our all chapter members under our region. For non-ASHRAE Toronto chapter members please contact your local Chapter for your code to access the best pricing for this event.

Please feel free to reach out if you need assistance:

Tina Abbasi

ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Chair



Doug Waterston

ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Co-Chair



ASHRAE Toronto Chapter | 4936 Yonge Street. #2748 Toronto, M2N 6S3

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