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Chapter Technical Transfer Committee (CTTC) Program Schedule (2024 - 2025)

Event Topic & Guest Speaker Theme 

October Meeting

October 07, 2024

Wastewater Energy Recovery District Systems - Toronto Western Hospital WET System Overview

Student Night
November Meeting

November 04, 2024

Tentative Topic: Refrigerants Transition And New Local Mandates

Refrigeration Night + YEA Theme
December Social

December 02, 2024

No Technical Topic Presented

Volunteer Appreciation
January Meeting

January 13, 2025

Tentative Topic: Sustainable Lab Designs and Approaches


February meeting

February 03, 2025

Case study by Enbridge: Achieving Net Zero Operation in an Existing Building Retrofit – The ASHRAE Headquarters Experience

Membership Promotion (MP) 

March meeting

March 03, 2025

Tentative Topic: DECARBONIZATION 101

Past-President Night
April meeting

April 07, 2025

Tentative Topic: Panel On Filtration vs Ventilation

Joint Chapter Event

May meeting

May 05, 2025

Toronto’s Deep Retrofit Upgrades - Minto's Project Summary Government Affairs   
Golf Tournament


 Golf Event 2025  
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