Notice of Meeting

NO Walk-In Registrations will be Permitted
Date: |
Monday November 7th, 2011 |
Technical Tour:

4:15 (please meet in lobby)
RBC Centre
155 Wellington
(Fully Booked)
Reception & Dinner:

5:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Toronto Board of Trade
First Canadian Place
77 Adelaide St. W. 3rd Floor
We ask that you pre-register for the technical tour and dinner at your earliest convenience online at www.torontoashrae.com, select “Meeting Registration and Calendar” from the left tab and then “Register” button for the ASHRAE Toronto - November 2011 Dinner Meeting. You may also still register through the ASHRAE chapter office (Sabrina Tai - 905 602 4714 or stai@hrai.ca). Please indicate at time of registration if you have any specific meal requirements. There will always be a vegetarian option, simply notify us at time of registration. No walk-in registrations will be permitted for this event.
RBC Centre – Underfloor/Displacement:
Designing for Thermal Comfort
Theme: Research Promotion Night

2011 ASHRAE Toronto’s November dinner meeting will be based on Research Promotion theme and will be held at Toronto Board of Trade, O&B event venue. There will be a technical tour prior to the dinner of the new RBC Centre downtown, home of RBC Dexia Investor Services.
The technical theme for the evening will be Displacement ventilation and underfloor design for HVAC systems. Displacement ventilation systems provide a very high level of thermal comfort. The air supplied to the room is warmer and introduced at a lower velocity than a typical mixing system, reducing the risk of drafts and discomfort.
ASHRAE comfort standards state that the draft risk must be low enough such that there are less than 20% percent of people dissatisfied in a room. Designers/engineers must account for diffuser placement and room stratification to ensure that ASHRAE standards are met.
Displacement ventilation is a stratified system, and as such, controlling stratification in the occupied zone is critical to maintaining occupant comfort. DV systems are designed to ensure that supply temperatures are within 10°F (6°C) of the room temperature. ASHRAE Standard 55 further requires that the temperature difference between the head and foot level not exceed 5.4°F [3°C] for a standing person and 3.6°F [2°C] for a seated person
RBC Centre is sure to be one of the most prestigious addresses in Canada. Connected to the 53-storey Ritz-Carlton Hotel and Residences Toronto (jointly owned by Cadillac Fairview), it will be a gateway for major business in the downtown core. Just steps away from multiple eateries and shops, the building will also be fully accessible via Toronto's PATH system.

Cadillac Fairview, in cooperation with RBC, RBC Dexia and Kohn Pedersen Fox Architects designed and built RBC Centre, which officially opened its doors October 2009. It is a 1.2-million sqft, 43-storey, office building located on the southwest corner of Wellington and Simcoe Streets, across from Roy Thomson Hall. The typical floor plate is 24,500-26,400 sqft, has 4 underground parking levels (1,144 spots), and sports 11’2” exposed floor-to-ceiling height (9’3” suspended). RBC Centre was designed to exceed LEED NC Gold. With LEED Gold NC, RBC Centre is estimated to achieve a 50% energy savings relative to buildings built to the Canadian National Energy Code.
RBC Centre incorporates state-of-the-art, energy efficient operating systems, including:
•· Automated systems for lighting, blinds and light shelves.
•· 18” Raised floors for individually-controlled HVAC, electrical and communications distribution.
•· Curtain wall with sun shades, operable windows on the first 10 floors, and floor-to-ceiling insulated glass – 11’-3” high.
•· Water collection and state-of-the art recycling systems.
•· Environmentally-friendly building materials, and low-VOC paints and carpets.
•· Enwave Deep-lake water cooling technology which significantly reduces energy consumption
•· 6 fresh air changes per hour
•· 100% Back-up Power – Bi-fuel emergency generators provide 100% power to all electrical systems.
Technical Tour: RBC Centre
Join James Hannaford from TMP Consulting Engineers with a detailed tour of RBC centre. The tour will focus on the underfloor HVAC system & displacement ventilation technologies used in the building. The tour will start at 4:30, please meet in the lobby at least 15 minutes prior to the tour start. Please note only those pre-registered for the tour will be allowed to attend.
Location: 155 Wellington W. Meet in the main lobby at 4:15 PM; Click Here for RBC Centre Map
Only for members who are attending the dinner meeting (Sorry, Tour is Fully Booked)
Please register for the tour along with dinner
Speakers & Technical Tour guides
James Hannaford, TMP Consulting Engineers
James Hannaford joined The Mitchell Partnership upon graduation from the University of Waterloo in 1990, with a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering. As a partner at The Mitchell Partnership, James is involved in design and construction of commercial, recreational, assembly and institutional projects. His experience with sustainable design and LEED certified projects provided James with the essential skill set required for design and construction of the RBC Centre (RBC Dexia) a 42 storey 1.2 million sq. ft. office tower. A few additional projects James was involved with: Niagara Casino, Iceland 4 rinks complex, Enwave conversions of numerous downtown buildings, Hershey Centre and MaRS Phase II.
Julian Rimmer, EH Price
As Senior Product Manager, Sustainable Technologies for Price, Julian Rimmer has extensive daily experience with the product requirements, system design and characteristics of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems with a focus on the Active and Passive Beam, Underfloor Air Distribution, Displacement Ventilation, Radiant Systems and Natural Ventilation product lines. Julian is charged with the specification of new products and business development of these product lines.
Julian holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical engineering from the University of Manitoba and has lead Price Industries’ sustainable product and systems development, conducting training internally and externally on the use of UFAD, DV and Overhead Air Distribution (OHAD) systems. He has traveled throughout the world to present, train and consult on Beam, UFAD, DV and radiant projects. Julian is also responsible for the direction and coordination of the Price research program as well as CFD consultancy. In this capacity, he has daily interaction with the world’s leading research institutions and industry partners in the pursuit of technological and simulation advancement in the HVAC industry.
Industry Involvement:
Member of ASHRAE
Secretary – Subcommittee for Chilled Beam Guide
Voting Member – ASHRAE Standard 55 – Thermal Comfort
ASHRAE Standard 200 – Performance Ratings of Chilled Beams
GPC 33 – Indoor Environmental Modeling Guidebook
Program Chair – TC410 – Indoor Environmental Modeling
Voting Member TRG7-UFAD – Underfloor Design Guide Task Group
Associate Member of CIBSE
CIBSE School Design Group
CIBSE Natural Ventilation Group
Involved in AHRI & Price Representative at the Center for the Built Environment
Need Assistance?
Feel free to contact the following members for further details:
Marco Ottavino
ASHRAE Toronto Programs Chair
(marco.ottavino@gmail.com, 416-561-8252)
Sharon Godlewski
ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Member
Philip Keall
ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Member