May Dinner Meeting
Consultants Night:
Active Systems in Passive Design
Toronto ASHRAE chapter is please to have consultants night as the theme of our last meeting of the "ASHRAE year". We are extending our invitation to design engineers and plan to have the evening's conversation focused on this audience.
Active Systems in Passive Design
Passive House projects have gained significant momentum in North America. The first projects were more focused on single family dwellings. More recently Passive House has expanded into large commercial projects in particular, multifamily residential buildings. This presentation will focus on design considerations around providing ventilation design for Passive House multifamily residential projects. The presentation will discuss the pros and cons of centralized versus decentralized ventilation systems. Issues such as locating duct work, fire damper issues, impact on multiple wall penetrations, joining exhaust air from multiple apartments, energy performance of centralized vs. decentralized systems etc.
An unexpected consequence of air tight Passive House high density multifamily projects is humidity control in winter. A detailed discussion of what is happening, how to recognize the potential issue and how to mitigate it will be discussed. Finally, on applications where mechanical cooling is being considered, a discussion on how to tie the ventilation system into the cooling system will be reviewed. In particular, best practices for connection ventilation systems to VRF.
Hugh Crowther
Vice President, Engineering
Swegon North America
Hugh Crowther is Vice President of Engineering for Swegon North America. Hugh has over 25 years’ experience in the application, design and commissioning of applied HVAC systems and is an expert on large HVAC system design, high performance buildings and sustainable buildings. He has lectured on system design all over the world. Hugh is a Professional Engineer (Ontario, Canada) with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Queen’s University. Hugh is an ASHRAE Member.
Hugh has twice been on the Board of Directors for the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). He has held multiple positions within the Society in areas of Technology and Standards. Hugh has written articles for the ASHRAE Journal, High Performance Buildings, HPAC Engineering and Engineered Systems as well as numerous application guides on a wide range of HVAC topics.
No Walk-In Registrations will be Permitted
Need Assistance?
Feel free to contact the following:
Badri Patel
ASHRAE Toronto Programs Committee Member
Emma Wildeman
ASHRAE Toronto Programs Chair
Beatriz Salazar
ASHRAE Toronto Programs Committee Member