Notice of Meeting

ASHRAE Toronto Dinner Meeting

Date: Monday February 7th, 2011
Technical Tour: Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael's Hospital (Downtown Toronto) - See Map Below
Dinner Meeting: Toronto Board of Trade (First Canadian Place), East Ballroom - See Map Below
Event Partner: BOMA - Building Owners and Manager's Association
Technical Tour: 4:00 PM (St. Micheal's Hospital)
Cocktails: 5:30 PM (Toronto Board or Trade)
Dinner: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (Including Presentations)
Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (LKSKI), St. Michael’s Hospital
Theme: Design and Construction for Healthcare Knowledge Translation
We ask that you pre-register for the dinner at your earliest convenience online at www.torontoashrae.com, select “Meeting Registration and Calendar” from the left tab and then “Register” button for the ASHRAE Toronto - February 2011 Dinner Meeting. You may also still register through the ASHRAE chapter office (Sabrina Tai - 905 602 4714 or stai@hrai.ca). Please indicate at time of registration if you have any specific meal requirements. There will always be a vegetarian option, simply notify us at time of registration. There will be an additional $10 service charge for individuals who show up at the door without registering online and spaces will not be guaranteed. BOMA Members will be charged the same rate as Toronto Chapter Members and BOMA non-members (Guests) will be charged the same rate as ASHRAE Guests.

Attendees please meet at 4 p.m. at Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Shuter St., East of Victoria. The tour will include access to mechanical rooms, architectural features, and electrical rooms of the building. See Map below for more details. Please note that separate registration is required for the technical tour. Please click here to register.
Dinner Meeting Venue and Topic:
ASHRAE Toronto’s February 7, 2011 meeting will be held in the East Ballroom of the Toronto Board of Trade, 100 King Street West, First Canadian Place in Downtown Toronto at 6:30 p.m. with cocktails at 5:30 p.m. Food is catered by Oliver & Bonacini.
Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (LKSKI), St. Michael’s Hospital
The vision of St. Michael’s Hospital in constructing the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (LKSKI) was to accelerate the processes of bringing quality healthcare discoveries into practice. Home to the Keenan Research Centre and Li Ka Shing International Healthcare Education Centre, the facility provides grounds for high quality research training for students and future scientists. The construction of LKSKI was a 336,000 s.ft. project that demanded an innovative approach to healthcare design. The building was designed by internationally recognized architectural firm Diamond and Schmitt Architects Incorporated (DSAI), with H.H. Angus and Associates Limited (HHA) as engineering consultants. Funding for the project included support from: the Keenan Family, international philanthropist Mr. Li Ka Shing, the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, as well numerous private donations. The $100-million project has reached substantial completion, one step closer to its scheduled summer completion for a Spring 2011 opening.
The extensive use of glazing is designed to showcase the inner workings of the LKSKI. One of the reasons identified for this design choice by DSAI was to create a whole new transparency and linkage between what's going on in the building and the public. Other features of the architecture include the theme of “Knowledge Translation” between the lab bench and the patient bedside with a bridge over Shuter Street linking the new research building to the main facility of St. Michael’s Hospital. The extensive glazing and other architectural elements introduced HVAC design challenges, addressed by HHA.

Guest Speakers and Topics:
We have three February dinner speakers: Michael Keen, Matthew Smith and Catherine O’Neill;
Michael Keen, P.Eng
Our first speaker is long-standing ASHRAE member Michael Keen, P.Eng., Project Director for LKSKI and Director of Planning at St. Michael’s Hospital, where he has worked for the past 18 years. As the Committee Chair for ASHRAE’s Technical Committee 9.6 Health Care Facility Air-Conditioning Applications and ASHRAE Toronto Chapter Past President, Mr. Keen will be speaking about the overall Project planning from the owner perspective. Mr. Keen obtained his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and went on to complete his Executive Master’s in Business Administration from Queen’s University. He Chairs CSA standards on Healthcare and CSA Z317.14-10 and Chaired the development of the CSA Standard for Design and Construction of Healthcare Buildings.
Matthew Smith, OAA
Matthew Smith, OAA, earned a B.E.S. and B.Arch. from the University of Waterloo. Mr. Smith’s past experience includes leading communications between client and project team and formulating detailed design for Diamond and Schmitt Architects Incorporated (DSAI), where he is currently a Principal. Mr. Smith has worked on projects including the UOIT Master Plan for construction of all 9 buildings, design of a business and IT Building, among others. Since 2005, Mr. Smith has been working with St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, initially as Project Architect for design and construction of LKSKI, and subsequently on the Hospital’s master plan renewal and proposed Critical Care Wing Expansion.
Catherine O'Neill, P.Eng
Catherine O’Neill, P.Eng. joined H.H. Angus & Associates Limited (HHA) in 2000, a year after her graduation from Ryerson University in Toronto. As a project manager on the LKSKI Project, her responsibilities included mechanical design changes, report writing, administration, contract documents, and mechanical site coordination. She has experience coordinating various aspects of design, working with architects, specialty consultants, electrical and structural engineers. Mrs. O’Neill’s recent change to role of Manager at HHA entails providing mechanical representation at project design and management meetings and acting as the primary contact for the firm with customers. Past projects include healthcare projects in Ontario such as Thunder Bay Hospital’s $180 million Greenfield, Hamilton Health Sciences 12 floor redevelopment, UofT’s Center for Biological Testing and Cognition, and numerous projects at St. Michael’s Hospital. Past projects also include international experience such as a design development package for University of Sharjah Teaching Hospital - United Arab Emirates.

Event Partner: BOMA Toronto
ASHRAE would like to thank BOMA Toronto for their partnership on this event. BOMA members are encouraged to register for this event with the ASHRAE discount on the website. Further information about this month’s meeting partner BOMA Toronto can be found at www.bomatoronto.org.
Need Assistance?
Feel free to contact Robyn Ellis (EllisR@smh.ca) or Marco Ottavino (marco.ottavino@gmail.com), ASHRAE Toronto Programs Chairs, for further details.