Notice of Meeting
Date: Monday October 4th, 2010
Venue: Seneca College, Newnham Campus
Oasis (Residence) Banquet Hall
Click Here for a Direction Map
Click Here for Parking Map and Instructions
Cocktails: 5:30 PM
Dinner: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (Including Presentations)
Knowledge Infrastructure Program Facility - Design/Engineering Overview- Seneca College Newnham Campus
Theme: Student Promotion Night
We ask that you pre-register for the dinner at your earliest convenience online at, select “Meeting Registration and Calendar” from the left tab and then “Register” button for the ASHRAE Toronto Chapter October Dinner Meeting. You may also still register through the ASHRAE chapter office (Sabrina Tai - 905 602 4714 or Please indicate at time of registration if you have any specific meal requirements. There will always be a vegetarian option, simply notify us at time of registration.
Dinner Speaker and Topic:
Showcase Facility
ASHRAE Toronto Chapter's first dinner meeting of the 2010/11 ASHRAE year will be held at Seneca College's Newnham Campus to showcase the their new Knowledge Infrastructure Program Facility “Building A”. This facility will create an additional 1,000 student seats at Seneca College’s Newnham campus. Cohos Evamy has been engaged as the prime consultant and is providing architecture, engineering, sustainable design, and interior design services. The building program includes classrooms, computer labs, common areas, circulation and an information commons. The new building will provide Seneca with an engaging new gateway to the campus. Our integrated design team is working closely together to create a remarkable yet very functional building within the defined budget, and with a certification of LEED® Gold. This project is being built under a very aggressive schedule, in order to meet funding requirements under the Knowledge Infrastructure Program.

Guest Speaker
Lyle Scott is a mechanical engineer with fifteen years of experience specializing in energy efficiency, facilities management, and sustainable development. As Director of Sustainable Design at DIALOG, Lyle provides the leadership required to help project teams improve energy efficiency, interior environmental quality and overall project sustainability across the firm. DIALOG has a track record of award-winning collaborative design excellence. Founded by the merged firms of Cohos Evamy + Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden + Mole White Associates + Office for Urbanism, DIALOG is committed to the practice of sustainable design with a focus on the success of clients and communities. Working from studios in Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver, DIALOG credits its strength to its outstanding multidisciplinary team who delivers excellence and a collaborative approach to the provision of architectural, engineering, interior design, planning and urban design services.
Special Notice: Attention Student Members
As the theme of this dinner meeting is Student Promotion Night, ASHRAE Toronto would like to extend this notice of meeting to all interested college and university students. Students can register for this event at a discounted rate of $15 and an ASHRAE membership (both Society and Chapter) is not required for students to attend.
Additional Information:
Please see the links above for directions to Seneca College's Newnham Campus and Parking Instructions when on-site. Feel free to contact Marco Ottavino, ASHRAE Programs Chair, for further details (, 416-561-8252).
Limited Time Offer: Prepaid Meal Plan
Don't forget to take advantage of the limited time Prepaid Meal Plan offer for ASHRAE Toronto Chapter members. Click here for more information!