Notice of Meeting
Date: Monday, January 4, 2010
Venue: Paradise Banquet Hall
Cocktails: 5:30 PM
Dinner: 6:30 PM
Theme: Refrigeration Night/ CFC Phaseout
January 4, 2010 meeting is being held at Paradise Banquet Hall, 7601 Jane Street, Concord, Ontario.
Dinner Speaker and Topic:
How will we make the right choices as the phase outs of HCFC refrigerants begin? Mr. Ron Vogl, ASHRAE Toronto’s January Dinner Speaker, will answer this question.
Ron’s presentation will briefly cover the current regulations driving the phase outs as well as:
Discuss New dynamics influencing refrigerant selection
Review refrigerant chemistry
Identify the commercial products available
List and explain the criteria for selecting a replacement including system effects
Demonstrate tools available to assist in refrigerant selection
Ron is a graduate of the State University of New York where he majored in HVAC & R design theory. He has accrued over thirty years experience touching all facets of the industry as a wholesaler, sales engineer, contractor, business owner, energy auditor, designer and consultant.
Ron has designed, sold and installed mechanical systems ranging in complexity from walk in coolers to industrial refrigeration plants and supermarkets. As the owner of a mechanical contracting company Ron specialized in the design of environmental chambers and cold clean rooms for use by the pharmaceutical, chemical and food production industries. For the last five years he has worked as a research and development and technical service engineer for Honeywell-Genetron Refrigerants. Currently, Ron is the Technical Marketing Manager for the Honeywell Refrigerants Group, Morristown, New Jersey.
Location and Registration:

Paradise Banquet Hall is located at 7601 Jane Street, Concord, Ontario. You may also still register through the ASHRAE chapter office (Sabrina Tai - 905 602 4714 or Please indicate at time of registration if you have any specific meal requirements. There will always be a vegetarian option, but we need to know how many of these plates to order.
Guests can now be registered with member registrations.